Feng Shui Living Room Basics And Tips

Design Your Living Room – Feng Shui!

You know instantly when you walk into a room that is designed Feng Shui. The feel, a calming peace and a synergy and flow of the elements harmonize with your every movement. I am instantly relaxed every time I enter this realm.

In Feng Shui, there are eight pillars of in the Bagua. These are Life, Energy, Career, Wealth, Friendship, Parental Support, Health and Life Force, and Love.

A Feng Shui Living Room uses the principles of the over 3000-year-old ancient Chinese art, to better convey the purpose of the Living Room in your home.

The living room is meant to be a place that everyone can enjoy and congregate to spend time with each other.The colors. Decor, furniture placement, etc. are all factors in creating an environment where everyone will feel safe, secure, serene and promote togetherness and happiness.

Feng Shui Colors for Your Living RoomFeng Shui Living Room Basics

Feng Shui Colors for Your Living Room are essential to creating a healthy and happy environment and an excellent way to control and shift energy in Feng Shui.

Use a Feng Shui Bagua Color Map to help guide you to the proper colors to use in your new Feng Shui Living Room. Choosing the proper colors will generate the energy that you need in the room to bring to life the other elements of your furniture, artwork and other decor items.[amazon_link asins=’154311699X,B00Q55MBFG,B00RQPFGQU,1568360142,1634502345,B00GPD92IM’ template=’ProductCarouselwithoutheader’ store=’thewisy-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7c8c8960-76c1-11e7-a0a8-f708454baa89′]

Feng Shui Mirrors

Feng Shui Mirrors are one of the simplest and most widely used Feng Shui methods to cut the negative energy, or ‘qi.’ Correctly placed, mirrors can dramatically improve the energy flow of the room.

There are three primary ways to utilize mirrors in your Fung Shui Living Room The first is for expansion, where the mirror gives the illusion of expanded space.

The second is a reflection. The objects facing the mirror are essentially doubled, so position good objects within the mirrors path.

The final method is used outside to counteract bad angles and negative energies. The Feng Shui Bagua Mirrors have eight sides and are ideal for this task. Having sharp edges or being in the center of a T-section road are two such purposes of these mirrors.[amazon_link asins=’B000YZGBOA,B001I45YRQ,B001I45Z34′ template=’ProductCarouselwithoutheader’ store=’thewisy-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’14b468d6-76c2-11e7-96d1-bb77879c74e0′][amazon_link asins=’B00KKWGS4A,B00N0J00VM,B072LRCWQ8′ template=’ProductCarouselwithoutheader’ store=’thewisy-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’22c83ace-76c2-11e7-bcd0-7568b2e27733′]

Feng Shui Pictures

Feng Shui Art is also one of the easiest and most widely used Feng Shui methods to cut the negative energy or ‘qi.’ The right art piece can compliment the room and improve the energy flow as well.

The art that you choose should be a reflection of you. Choose artwork that promotes peace and serenity as well as something that compliments the room and colors.

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Feng Shui Sofa

The most critical factor in your new Feng Shui Living Room is the position of the sofa. It determines the movement of the chi (energy) movement in the room.

If the windows and front door are facing each other, avoid placing the sofa in between them. Doing this would put you in a position of fire (qi), as energy flows from the door to the window.

Do not position your sofa directly under and exposed beam in the ceiling as well.

Try to avoid having the back of the sofa against either a door or a window. The recommended position for your Feng Shui sofa is backed up against a wall., a sign of protection.

If your room can accommodate more than one sofa or any additional chairs, place them in a semi circular pattern instead of facing each other. This is not only more comfortable for you and your guests, but it promotes conversation as well.

Feng Shui Curtain

Here is some beautiful Feng Shui Curtain you will love theme….

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Top Tips for a Feng Shui House

Feng Shui for Prosperity and Happiness

Feng Shui. The ancient Chinese art of placement. The belief is that your environment or surroundings are a reflection of your life.

By adapting and changing your environment, you can enlist influences and feelings that can affect your life in a very positive way every day.

Top 5 Feng Shui Tips For A Happy Year

  1. Celebrate the Positive Things in Your Life – When you look at the good things in your life, no matter how small, you begin to appreciate how important they are to your well being.
  2. Make Sure Your Bed is in the Command Position – This is where your bed gives you the widest view of the room and is supported by a solid wall. It’s psychological. The less that is hidden and the more that you see, the safer you feel.
  3. Embrace what IS working in your Relationships – Helps to change your attitude into one of thankfulness and gratitude and to gain as much happiness as possible from the good in your relationships.
  4. Write an Affirmation of Gratitude and Appreciation – Write it down on a piece of paper and then plant it in the soil of a plant (preferably in the abundance area of your home). Every time that you water that plant visualize your life becoming more positive, powerful, healthy and happy.
  5. Clean Your House!- It is as simple as that. You will feel better and more relaxed about your surroundings, and it will help to generate energy for you to thrive and succeed.


The Five Elements in Feng Shui – Earth Fire Water Metal Wood

Bagua Map

The Bagua Map or Pa Kua, and also known as the Lo Shu Square, is one of the primary tools used to analyze the energy in your space. It is the energy map of your home. Translated from Chinese, it means “8 areas”.

Each of the eight areas has a Feng Shui Element, Color, and Life associated with it.

How to use the Bagua Map

Begin by drawing out the Bagua Map, making sure that areas 8,1, and 6 are on the bottom of the page. You can stretch the Bagua Map to accommodate different floor plan layouts.

Align the Bagua Map with your front door, so it will always fall at either 8,1 or 6. It is aligned at 1 in the example shown. If you enter through a side door, it is best to start using the front door as it represents the “mouth of chi” and is where positive energy enters to nourish your home.

Don’t panic if you have an oddly shaped home where parts of the Bagua Map will be missing. As long as the front door is aligned with the bottom edge, you will be ok. Missing corners simply represent a loss of energy that needs to be strengthened.

  • Fire – Passion and High Energy – Red, Orange, Purple, Pink, Yellow
  • Earth – Nourishment and Stability – Light Yellow, Beige and Sand/Earthly Colors
  • Metal – Clarity, and Preciseness – White, Gray
  • Water – Abundance, Ease, Freshness – Blue, Black
  • Wood – Health and Vitality – Brown, Green


Colors relate to who we are and play a very meaningful role in Feng Shui. The purpose of colors is to help achieve a balance in your environment. Whether it’s planning for your office, home or personal appearance, here’s an insight into how they can help you achieve your harmony, inner peace, and goals in life.

Yin Colors & Feng Shui – These bring out healing and relaxation.

  • Blue – Has Yin energy and is calm and soothing. It reflects love as it heals and relaxes. It is the color of the sea and sky, so it is associated with exploration and adventure.
  • Black – Symbolizes money and income. Great color for careers especially when combined with metal. It is the color of power and emotional protection.
  • Gray – Neutral, Clear and Detached. Can be utilized as a dull gray or upscale Feng Shui color. The most benefit is gained by use in the North, Northwest, and West areas of your environment.
  • Purple – Has a great significance in spiritual Feng Shui. It is known for spiritual and mental healing and spiritual awareness.
  • White – Represents poise, purity, and confidence. It is often used in combination with gold or silver to create an atmosphere.
  • Pink – Gentle, Loving and Soothing. A fire element, pink is the color of universal love which is widely used to soften energy in your environment. It can be used almost anywhere from the bedroom to the laundry room.
  • Green – Growth, Vibrancy, and Health. A wood element, green is the color of renewal and regeneration. Very nourishing to your health it balances the whole body. For maximum benefit, it is recommended to utilize several shades of green.

Yang Colors & Feng Shui – the Contrasting opposite of Yin energy. Yin emphasizes softness and essence of feminine energy, whereas Yang denotes fiery directness of the Sun, aggressive speed of race cars, mountain rocks, and focused energy.

Yellow – Represents warmth, cheerfulness, sunbeams, friendliness, and motion. Prolonged exposure to intense yellow has been known to cause anxiety so use with caution.

Orange – Strength, and concentration. Ideal to use when your creative well needs nourishing. Orange is the color of organization and gives you a sense of purpose.

Red, Mauve, Tan/Beige, Brown, Maroon, Lavender, and Gold – Associated with Luck, money, and romance. These colors are used in different combinations with other Feng Shui elements for balancing chi in your home.

Brown – Nourishing energy and often associated with good things like dark chocolate, gourmet coffee, and deep, rich mahogany wood. Brown is most beneficial in the South, Southeast, and East areas of your environment.

  • North – Element: Water Colors: Blue and Black Life Area: Career & Path in Life
  • Northeast – Element: Earth Colors: Beige, Light Yellow, and Sandy/Earthy Life Area: Spiritual Growth & Self-Cultivation.
  • East – Element: Wood Colors: Brown and Green Life Area: Health & Family
  • Southeast – Element: Wood Colors: Brown and Green Life Area: Money & Abundance
  • South – Element: Fire Colors: Red, Orange, Purple, Pink and Bright Yellow Life Area: Fame & Reputation
  • Southwest – Element: Earth Colors: Beige, Light Yellow, and Sandy/Earthy Life Area: Love & Marriage
  • West – Element: Metal Colors: White and Gray Life Area: Creativity & Children
  • Northwest – Element: Metal Colors: White and Gray Life Area: Helpful People, Blessings & Travel

Chinese Feng Shui Compass

True Feng Shui requires a compass. Without utilizing a compass, you are only practicing interior design and not Fung Shui. The compass is nothing more than the Feng Shui formulas embedded into concentric rings on a plate known as the heaven dial and most often sits on a wood base know as the earth plate.

Keep in mind that in the western world, compasses point to the north, whereas the Chinese compass points south.


Feng Shui has been defined, refined, and practiced for thousands of years with great results. By practicing Feng Shui, you are bringing order out of chaos in your universe.

Even if you don’t believe in the edits of Feng Shui, you will truly be amazed at how much better your life will become just by creating a happy, healthy, balanced environment to live and work in.

Many corporations are investing in Feng Shui environments because they recognize the importance of not only a balanced life, but also that the peace and happiness that it brings will translate into happier and more productive employees. Not to mention giving them a decided edge over their competitors,

Feng Shui Beauty – One Room at a Time

The joys and benefits of Fung Shui can be started simply with your attire, a small room, or an entire house. If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, start by converting a single room that can be your escape from the stresses of the world. A place to renew and refuel your energy and life force.

As you gain strength from your environment and see the lasting benefits of Feng Shui, you will want to spread the chi created throughout your environment, both at home and possibly even the office. Fung Shui is a lifestyle that can bring joy, balance, and harmony to your universe if you give it the opportunity.

Happiness and Harmony in Home Decorating

The beauty, peace, joy, and harmony created by a Feng Shui environment will be noticed by all who enter its realms. A properly designed Feng Shui environment has an energy, a feeling that is sensed by all. Make Feng Shui a part of your life, and you will be not only bettering your existence but helping to align the energy forces of nature and your world into peace and harmony.

Shahid Maqsood


Shahid Maqsood is an experienced writer and journalist with 10+ years in the industry. He is the CEO and founder of TheWisy, where he writes daily articles covering topics like books, business, news, sports, and more. Shahid holds an MBA from Virtual University of Pakistan and a Master's in Mass Communications. He is based in Faisalabad, Pakistan. His work spans multiple platforms like dosttrusty.com and newsbreak.com,Quellpress.com , airriflehunting, and bruitly.com showcasing his versatility and depth. Shahid's insightful articles reflect his expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, making him a respected and reliable voice in digital content creation. His contributions engage and inform readers, embodying professionalism and passion in every piece.