Tricks to Make Your Treadmill Run Less Boring

The treadmill may sometimes, in fact, most of the times, may turn out to be filled with boredom. And finding ways which can sweep the boredom away seems something ‘Impossible’. And the irony is, you cannot stop the exercise as it is the best thing for your body, but at the same time you also need some escape from the feeling of banging your head against the wall when you see the treadmill and want to run away! You can now keep your worries far aside as here are some tips which would change your entire experience. These tips will surely make you declare your treadmill exercise as your ‘Valentine Forever.’

Get Set to Make Your Treadmill Less Boring

Do you love watching T.V? Great! It will be your escape!

Get Set to Make Your Treadmill Less BoringIf watching your favorite show makes you forget the world and the boredom you were facing a while ago, then, let it also kick the boredom out of your way while on the treadmill. If possible try and schedule your treadmill workout as per the timings of your favorite shows. This will help you concentrate more on the program and help your brain skip the thoughts of boredom. It will make your exercise much more smooth and interesting. Another advantage is that it will help you sustain for a longer time on the treadmill and this will make you happy!

You would see even the intended progress in your workout in a very short time. The advice would be to cover up fast during the advertisements in case you are watching a program that is intense and requires lots of attention. However, make sure you don’t completely escape into the Television world, rather use it just for enjoyment and distraction. Because indulging too much into the program may harm your progress!

Let your soul dance on the beats & let your body do the workout!Let your soul dance on the beats & let your body do the workout!

It sounds interesting, isn’t it? Rather it is the most blissful way to cover the entire workout and keep it far away from the world of boredom. Music is always a bliss to the soul and keeps your brain occupied, and this is why it is recommended! Why? Because if your brain is busy enjoying the music, it will help it being distracted from the consistent hard work your body is putting through. This will also not let you fall prey to the boredom.

There is no such rule as to which music you should play on your device. Rather the only rule is that it must help you enjoy your workout session. Play music and enjoy your exercise! Easy isn’t it?

Audio Books! Confused? Know how it helps!

This will be a great help if you are a big-time book lover. There are plenty of options today to get hold of your favorite books in the form of audio. You may buy DVDs as well as download your favorite ones online for free into your MP3 player. This process will help you exercise in a whole new and amazing way. The romance going on in the pages or a murder mystery that makes your heart pound or even a horrifying scene which makes your heart skip a beat is a great way to let you forget the boredom which comes along with the treadmill workout.

Use Fun Apps!Use Fun Apps

There are apps today which are specifically developed to make your workout a lot easier and devoid of boredom. Apps like ‘Zombies Run!’ is really fun as you need to collect supplies to save your town which is attacked by the Zombies. And the way you must collect supplies? Yes, definitely, the more you run, the more supplies you get. Wonderful it is, it changes the way you look at the treadmill session of yours.

Another interesting way!

Download the app Nike Plus and record your progress while you work out. This app helps record your time, distance and every detail which can be taken into an account and helps you keep track of your progress. What is so very interesting? It posts your details on your social media profile, and thus, your progress is shared with your friends while you are on the run. You can continue your workout with that extra ‘thumps up’ and motivation that you need to keep going.

Team up!

The best and the most useful way is to team up with someone with whom your exercise can be fun. It might be your spouse or maybe your friend or even siblings. This way you can enjoy your exercise and make it less boring. Today the concept of group training is on the hype, and the reason is that it makes the entire exercise session a fun and interesting work and skipping it can never be an option.

Reading or listening to some informative things!Reading or listening to some informative things!

If you are not able to find that extra time to study the magazine or listen to the news, this technique of reading or listening to it during your treadmill workout will help you to keep distracted from the boredom. Reading the magazine, newspaper or listening to Podcast is an effective way to make your workout sessions much more efficient and fun.

So which one are you going for?

Shahid Maqsood


Shahid Maqsood is an experienced writer and journalist with 10+ years in the industry. He is the CEO and founder of TheWisy, where he writes daily articles covering topics like books, business, news, sports, and more. Shahid holds an MBA from Virtual University of Pakistan and a Master's in Mass Communications. He is based in Faisalabad, Pakistan. His work spans multiple platforms like and, , airriflehunting, and showcasing his versatility and depth. Shahid's insightful articles reflect his expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, making him a respected and reliable voice in digital content creation. His contributions engage and inform readers, embodying professionalism and passion in every piece.